At Tetras Translations, a company with an international clientele, we try to act pro-socially every day, both toward our customers and toward each other.Generally speaking, few employees can describe terms such as ethics or code of ethics.Today, every profession requires the observance of many laws, standards, and regulations applicable to its performance.This mainly involves technical, economic, operational, and labor law areas.In the area of ethical conduct, the law does not stipulate hard and fast rules … In the past, members of a particular profession have evolved established patterns of behavior in a natural manner.Gradually, many of them were also written down, into a “code of ethics”.All members of a particular profession were required to become acquainted with it and to obey it (guilds).Today’s companies take their own approach to implementing moral principles into their work.Many of them rely merely on employees having learned proper and ethical behavior as part of their education and upbringing.We rarely encounter the implementation of a sophisticated code of ethics at a particular company and its real-life practical application.Codes of ethics contain principles of ethical behavior that apply to the entire entity.The current situation regarding the application of ethical and moral principles in business is unsatisfactory.The predatory nature of a company that focuses chiefly on profits and consumption leads many workers to forget the moral and ethical principles of communication and behavior of their vocation.As a result, relationships between the company and its customers are also disrupted.People became used to not trusting each other in verbal communication, which is why they require a written agreement declared in applicable laws.This is precisely why it is important that companies, which depend on their good name, directly or indirectly, insist that their employees behave ethically.The result is eventually reflected in business results and a good reputation with clients, and becomes a natural marketing tool that attracts new customers.For this reason, it is useful for everyone to identify with the idea of ethical behavior in society.By developing a code of ethics and adhering to it, you will be able to improve and enhance your corporate culture. Code of Ethics The Code is an expression of ideal behavior and adherence to principles within a particular type of profession.Its written version contains orders, prohibitions, and recommendations for professional conduct, in prescribed form.It is a plan to perform tasks in a particular vocation, as well as instructions on how to for example behave in a given situation and in professional relationships.It serves as a measure for the evaluation of the actions of those working in a particular profession.When creating a code of ethics, one should not forget that every profession affects a person’s life.An important aim in adopting a code of ethics is to protect the rights of both the company’s customers and its employees.Individual points must not conflict with generally applicable laws and general ethical standards in the given country’s society.If the principles of the Code of Ethics are breached, the Ethics Committee will resolve any infringement of individual standards in accordance with predetermined sanctions. The UN Global Compact and the Code of Ethics The predecessor of the Global Compact are the Caux Round Table Principles, which were adopted in 1994 in Switzerland.It was the first set of business ethics rules based on the ideal of human dignity and the ideal of kyosei.This set of rules was developed by business leaders from Europe, Japan, and the US.These principles were then used to create the UN Global Compact.This UN initiative provides unlimited opportunity for discussion, change, and sharing of ideas.In individual countries, participants are creating solutions and contributing to the overall vision of the UN Global Compact.New incentives and basic rules are updated in the Memorandum of Understanding at Companies that have signed the UN Global Compact have had to adopt a code of ethics, a set of core values in the fields of human rights, working standards, the environment, and anti-corruption, in their sphere of influence.Here are examples of some major companies operating in an advanced economy:Aldi Süd, Deutsche Börse, Deutsche Telekom, Hochtief, Nestlé, SAP, and many others.Industrial companies in the energy sector and coal producers also support the demands of the Global Compact, including Siemens, EnBW, and E.ON.All of these companies have their code of ethics and the UN Global Compact available on their website. Ethics and Tetras A company that wants to be successful and remain in business over the long term should institute a code of ethics.It follows from the UN Global Compact that a code of ethics is a basic document declaring professional business ethics.Tetras Translations is fully aware of the importance of a code of ethics.This is precisely why the our code of ethics will be on our website in the near future.In this day and age, it is not only a description, but also a practical guarantee of and support for business success.Wherever employees and customers feel satisfied, there is a strong likelihood that the company will still be around a very long time from now. The question of moral conflict was described succinctly by Mahatma Gandhi: “Doing a thing we are afraid of is the first step to success.”